beyond the very edge of the earth
The Economist Plaza

vidro, ferro e mosaico hidráulico | glass, iron and hydraulic mosaic
143,1 x 600,6 x 300,3 cm
col. | coll. University of Brighton
foto | photo by José Manuel Fernandes

vidro, ferro e mosaico hidráulico | glass, iron and hydraulic mosaic
143,1 x 600,6 x 300,3 cm
col. | coll. University of Brighton
foto do artista | photo by the artist

vidro, ferro e mosaico hidráulico | glass, iron and hydraulic mosaic
143,1 x 600,6 x 300,3 cm
col. | coll. University of Brighton
foto do artista | photo by the artist

vidro, ferro e mosaico hidráulico | glass, iron and hydraulic mosaic
143,1 x 600,6 x 300,3 cm
col. | coll. University of Brighton
foto do artista | photo by the artist